Characterization of equivalent series resistance of electric double-layer capacitor electrodes using transient analysis관리자2020-05-11 조회 2,285 댓글 0이메일주소 site@site.co.kr Author Songhun Yoon, Chul Wee Lee, Seung M Oh Journal Journal of Power Sources Year of Pub. 2010
In this study, transient equations based on chronoamperometry (CA), chronopotentiometry (CP), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and imaginary capacitance analysis (ICA) are proposed using two equivalent circuit models for the purpose of accurate estimation of the equivalent series resistance (ESR) in electric double-layer capacitor (EDLC) electrodes. After examining transient equations based on a simple resistance–capacitance series connection, alternative equations with a more complicated form are proposed using the transmission line model. From these equations, it is theoretically predicted that one-third of the electrolyte resistance within the pores contributes to the total ESR, irrespective of the electrochemical analysis method employed. As EDLC electrode materials, mesoporous carbons with different pore structure (size, surface area) are prepared by the direct template method. After …
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